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Monday, July 22, 2024

Covered Calls Position Closed in The Walt Disney Company

Last Friday, the Covered Calls position in The Walt Disney Company (ticker DIS) closed out-of-the-money at $95.74 which was below its $100.00 strike price.  Today I decided to close out this position by selling the 200 shares. The transactions history for this Disney Covered Calls position and its associated return-on-investment results are detailed below.

The Walt Disney Company (DIS) -- Covered Calls Position Closed by Decision
The buy/write transaction was:
7/2/2024 Bought 200 The Walt Disney Company shares @ $97.58
7/2/2024 Sold 2 DIS 7/19/2024 $100.00 Call options @ $1.03 per share.
7/8/2024 Ex-dividend of $.45 per share.
7/19/2024 Two Disney Call options expired out-of-the-money at $95.74 per share and the 200 Disney shares remain in the Covered Calls Advisor Portfolio.
7/22/2024 Closed out this Disney Covered Calls position by selling the 200 remaining shares at $94.42. 

The overall performance results (including commissions) for this Disney Covered Calls position are as follows:
Covered Calls Net Investment: $19,311.34
= ($97.58 - $1.03) * 200 shares + $1.34 commission

Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$204.66
= ($1.03 * 200 shares) - $1.34 commission
(b) Dividend Income:  +$90.00
= ($.45 dividends per share x 200 shares)
(c) Capital Appreciation (DIS stock sold at $94.42): -$632.00
+($94.42 selling price - $97.58 stock purchase price) * 200 shares

Total Net Profit: -$337.34
= (+$204.66 options income +$90.00 dividend income -$632.00 capital appreciation)

Absolute Return-on-Investment: -1.7%
= (-$337.34/$19,311.34)
Equivalent Annualized Return-on-Investment: -31.9%
= (-$337.34/$19,311.34) * (365/20 days)