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Monday, November 19, 2018

Closed Postion in Citigroup Inc.

Last Friday, the November 16th, 2018 Covered Calls position in Citigroup Inc. (ticker symbol C) expired with the stock price at $64.95, below the $65.00 strike price -- so the Call options expired and the 500 shares were retained in the Covered Calls Advisor's Portfolio.  The stock moved higher today and the position was closed out by selling the 500 shares at $65.22.

This position demonstrates the trifecta that can sometimes be achieved using a Covered Calls dividend capture strategy with profits being obtained from all three sources: (1) Call options income; (2) Dividend income; and (3) Capital Appreciation of the underlying stock. 

As detailed below, this Citigroup Inc. position achieved a return-on-investment result of +4.3% absolute return in 20 days (equivalent to a +78.2% annualized return-on-investment).

Citigroup Inc. (C) -- Covered Calls Position Closed
The transactions were as follows:
10/30/2018 Bought 500 shares of Citigroup Inc. stock @ $64.48 per share 
10/30/2018 Sold 5 Citi Nov 16th, 2018 $65.00 Call options @ $1.52 per share
Note: this was a simultaneous Buy/Write transaction
11/02/2018 Ex-dividend of $225.00 = 500 shares x $.45 per share
11/16/2018 Call options expired with closing stock price of $64.95 below the $65.00 strike price
11/19/2018 Sold 500 shares Citi stock at $65.22

The overall performance result (including commissions) is as follows:
Covered Calls Cost Basis: $31,488.30
= ($64.48 - $1.52)* 500 shares + $8.30 commissions

Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$760.00
= ($1.52 * 500 shares)
(b) Dividend Income: +$225.00
 = $.45 per share x 500 shares 
(c) Capital Appreciation: +$365.05
= ($65.22 -$64.48)* 500 shares - $4.95 commission

Total Profit: +$1,350.05
=$760.00 options income + $225.00 dividend income + $365.05 capital appreciation

Absolute Return-On-Investment: +4.3%
= +$1,350.05/$31,488.30
Equivalent Annualized Return: +78.2%
= (+$1,350.05/$31,488.30)*(365/20 days)