Many investors are satisfied with buying-and-holding T-Bonds, but we Covered Calls investors know we can do better than the 4.46% yield currently available buying 20-year T Bonds. As detailed below, two potential return-on-investment results are: (a) +0.7% absolute return (equivalent to +16.0% annualized return-on-investment for the next 15 days) if TLT is assigned early on the day prior to the Dec. 18th, 2024 ex-distribution date; or (b) +1.0% absolute return (equivalent to +16.6% annualized return-on-investment for the next 23 days) if it is in-the-money and therefore assigned at market close on the December 27th, 2024 options expiration date.
The simultaneous buy/write transaction was as follows:
12/4/2024 Bought 200 iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF shares at $92.60.
12/4/2024 Bought 200 iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF shares at $92.60.
12/4/2024 Sold 2 TLT December 27th, 2024 $91.00 Call options @ $2.20 per share.
12/18/2024 Ex-distribution of $.351 per share.
The overall performance results (including commissions) if TLT remains in-the-money at options expiration would be as follows:
Covered Calls Net Investment: $18,081.34
= ($92.60 - $2.20) * 200 shares + $1.34 commission
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$438.66
= ($2.20 * 200 shares) - $1.34 commission
12/18/2024 Ex-distribution of $.351 per share.
The overall performance results (including commissions) if TLT remains in-the-money at options expiration would be as follows:
Covered Calls Net Investment: $18,081.34
= ($92.60 - $2.20) * 200 shares + $1.34 commission
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$438.66
= ($2.20 * 200 shares) - $1.34 commission
(b) Distribution Income [If TLT is assigned early on the last business day prior to the December 18th ex-distribution date: +$0.00
(b) Distribution Income [If TLT price is in-the-money (i.e. above the $91.00 strike price) and the position is assigned (i.e. closed out) at options expiration on Dec. 27th]: +$70.20
(b) Distribution Income [If TLT price is in-the-money (i.e. above the $91.00 strike price) and the position is assigned (i.e. closed out) at options expiration on Dec. 27th]: +$70.20
= $.351 distribution per share x 200 TLT shares
(c) Capital Appreciation (If TLT is assigned at the $91.00 strike price either early or on the 12/27/2024 options expiration date): -$320.00
= ($91.00 strike price - $92.60 purchase price) * 200 shares
Total Net Profit:
1. If TLT shares are assigned early on the day prior to the ex-distribution date: +$118.66
= (+$438.66 options income +$0.00 distribution income - $320.00 capital appreciation)
= (+$438.66 options income +$0.00 distribution income - $320.00 capital appreciation)
2. If TLT share price is in-the-money (i.e. above the $91.00 strike price) at options expiration: +$188.86
= (+$438.66 options income + $70.20 distribution income - $320.00 capital appreciation)
= (+$438.66 options income + $70.20 distribution income - $320.00 capital appreciation)
Potential Absolute Return-on-Investment:
1. If TLT shares are assigned early on the day prior to the ex-distribution date: +0.7%
= +$118.66/$18,081.34
2. If TLT shares are above the $91.00 strike price at the Dec. 27th, 2024 options expiration): +1.0%
= +$188.66/$18,081.34
Potential Annualized Return-on-Investment:
1. If TLT shares are assigned early on the day prior to the ex-distribution date: +16.0%
= (+$118.66/$18,081.34) * (365/15 days)
2. If TLT shares are above the $91.00 strike price at the Dec. 27th, 2024 options expiration): +16.6%
= (+$188.86/$18,081.34) * (365/23 days)