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Monday, September 16, 2024

Continuation of Covered Call Position in Schlumberger Ltd.

The Covered Calls Advisor Portfolio has a Covered Call position in Schlumberger Ltd. (now named SLB) at the $43.00 strike price expired out-of-the-money on last Friday's 9/13/2024 options expiration date.  Early in this morning's trading, this position was continued by rolling out to the October 4th, 2024 options expiration at the $42.00 strike price by selling-to-open eight Call options at $.74 per share against the 800 SLB shares currently held.  

As detailed below, a potential outcome for this SLB investment if the stock is in-the-money and therefore assigned on the options expiration date is +1.4% absolute return-on-investment over 45 days (equivalent to +11.3% annualized-return-on-investment) if the stock closes above the $42.00 strike price on the October 4th, 2024 options expiration date.  The transactions history of this SLB Covered Calls position to-date along with a potential return-on-investment result if the stock is assigned on the Oct. 4th, 2024 options expiration date is as follows:

Schlumberger Ltd. (SLB) -- Continuation of SLB Covered Calls Position
The buy/write transaction was:
8/20/2024 Bought 800 SLB shares @ $44.37
8/20/2024 Sold 8 SLB 9/13/2024 $43.00 Call options @ $1.96
Note: the Time Value (aka Extrinsic Value) in the Call options was $.59 per share = [$1.96 Call options premium - ($44.37 stock price - $43.00 strike price)]
9/04/2024 Upcoming quarterly ex-dividend of $.275 per share
9/13/2024 SLB stock price was below the $43.00 strike price, so the Calls expired and the 800 SLB shares remained in the Covered Calls Advisor Portfolio.
9/16/2024 Continued this SLB Covered Call position by selling 8 October 4th, 2024 $42.00 Call options @ $.74 per share when the stock was trading today at $41.05. 

A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this SLB Covered Calls position is as follows:
Covered Calls Net Investment: $33,933.36
= ($44.37 - $1.96) * 800 shares + $5.36 commission

Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$2,149.28
= ($1.96 + $.74) * 800 shares - $10.72 commissions
(b) Dividend Income ($.275 ex-dividend x 800 shares): +$220.00
(c) Capital Appreciation (If shares assigned at $42.00 strike price at options expiration): -$1,896.00 = +($42.00 - $44.37) * 800 shares

Total Net Profit (If SLB shares assigned at $42.00 at the Oct. 4th expiration): +$473.28
= (+$2,149.28 options income +$220.00 dividend income -$1,896.00 capital appreciation)

Absolute Return-on-Investment (If SLB shares assigned at $42.00 at the Oct. 4th, 2024 options expiration date): +1.4%
= +$473.28/$33,933.36
Equivalent Annualized Return-on-Investment: +11.3%
= (+$393.66/$17,180.67) * (365/45 days)