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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Established Covered Calls in Las Vegas Sands Corporation

This morning a short-term Covered Calls position was established in Las Vegas Sands Corporation (ticker LVS). Four hundred shares were purchased at $44.49 and four July 12th, 2024 weekly Call options were sold at the $43.00 strike price at $2.05 per share--a buy/write net debit transaction of $42.44 per share which provides a $.56 per share time value profit potential.  The July 12th weekly expiration was chosen instead of the July 19th monthly to avoid holding the position during Las Vegas Sands' next earnings report on July 17th.  

The average target price of the 15 analysts following Las Vegas Sands Corp. is $61.96 which is +39.3% above today's stock purchase price and, as shown below, it also appeared today in my Stock Rover Overall stock screener by passing all 16 screener filters:
As detailed below, a potential return-on-investment result is +1.3% absolute return-on-investment (equivalent to +28.0% annualized return-on-investment for the next 17 days) if the Las Vegas Sands Corporation share price is in-the-money (i.e. above the $43.00 strike price) and therefore assigned on its July 12th, 2024 options expiration date.

Las Vegas Sands Corporation (LVS) -- New Covered Calls Position 

The Buy/Write transaction was as follows:
6/25/2024 Bought 400 shares of Las Vegas Sands Corporation @ $44.49 per share.  
6/25/2024 Sold 4 LVS July 12th, 2024 $43.00 Call options @ $2.05 per share.  The Implied Volatility of these Call options was 27.5 and the probability that the Calls will expire in-the-money on the options expiration date was 70.7% when this transaction was executed today. 

A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this Las Vegas Sands Corporation Covered Calls position is as follows:
Covered Calls Net Investment: $16,978.68
= ($44.49 - $2.05) * 400 shares + $2.68 commission

Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$817.32
= ($2.05 * 400 shares) - $2.68 commission
(b) Dividend Income: +$0.00
(c) Capital Appreciation (If 400 Las Vegas Sands Corporation shares assigned at $43.00 strike price at expiration): -$596.00
+($43.00 - $44.49) * 400 shares

Total Net Profit Potential (If 400 Las Vegas Sands shares assigned at $43.00 strike price at expiration): +$221.32
= (+$817.32 options income +$0.00 dividend income -$596.00 capital appreciation)

Potential Absolute Return-on-Investment: +1.3%
= +$221.32/$16,978.68
Potential Annualized Return-on-Investment: +28.0%
= (+$221.32/$16,978.68) * (365/17 days)