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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Covered Calls Position Closed in APA Corporation

Last Friday, the Covered Calls position in APA Corporation (ticker APA) closed out-of-the-money at $30.37 which was well below its $34.00 strike price.  Today I decided to close out this losing position rather than continuing it and hoping for a reversal in the recent decline in crude oil prices.  Crude oil has declined rapidly (by 8.5% since this position was established) and I am not confident that its price will recover in the coming few weeks.  I believe this is one of those situations where, in my judgment, it is better to accept a loss rather than prolonging it and hoping to repair it back toward breakeven or profitability.  

The transactions history of this APA Covered Calls and associated return-on-investment results are detailed below.

APA Corporation (APA) -- Closed Out Covered Calls Position
The simultaneous buy/write transactions was as follows:
4/9/2024 Bought 400 shares of APA Corporation stock @ $34.87 per share.  
4/9/2024 Sold 4 APA April 26th, 2024 $34.00 Call options @ $1.42 per share.
4/19/2024 Ex-dividend at $.25 per share
4/26/2024 APA Corp. stock price was below the $34.00 strike price, so the Calls expired and the 400 APAS shares remained in the Covered Calls Advisor Portfolio.
4/29/2024 Continued this APA Corp. Covered Calls position by selling four May 10th, 2024 $34.00 Call options @ $.40 per share when the stock was trading today at $32.50.
5/10/2024 Four APA $34.00 Calls expired out-of-the-money and 400 shares remain in the Covered Calls Advisor Portfolio.
5/15/2024 Sold 400 APA shares at $30.02 to close out this APA Covered Calls position. 

The overall performance results (including commissions) are as follows:
Covered Calls Cost Basis: $13,382.68
= ($34.87 - $1.42) * 400 shares + $2.68 commission

Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$722.64
= ($1.42 + $.40) * 400 shares - $5.36 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$100.00
= $.25 dividend per share x 400 shares
(c) Capital Appreciation (APA shares sold at $30.02 on May 15th, 2024): -$1,940.00
= ($30.02 - $34.87) * 400 shares

Net Loss): -$1,117.36
= (+$722.64 options income +$100.00 dividend income - $1,940.00 capital appreciation)

Absolute Return-on-Investment: -8.3%
= -$1,117.36/$13,382.68
Equivalent Annualized Return-on-Investment: -84.7%
= (-$1,117.36/$13,382.68) * (365/36 days)