8/25/2023 Sold 4 HALO September 15th, 2023 $40.00 Call options @ $3.36 per share.
Note: the Implied Volatility of the Calls was 38.8 when this position was established.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) if this position is assigned on its 10/20/2023 options expiration date is follows:
Halozyme Covered Calls Net Investment: $15,706.68
= ($42.62 - $3.36) * 400 shares + $2.68 commission
Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$2,138.64
= ($3.36 + $2.00) * 400 shares - $5.36 commission
(b) Dividend Income: +$0.00
(c) Capital Appreciation (If Halozyme stock is above the $40.00 strike price at the October 20th expiration): -$1,048.00
= ($40.00 - $42.62) * 400 shares
Potential Total Net Profit (If assigned at expiration): +$1,090.64
= (+$2,138.64 options income + $0.00 dividend income - $1,048.00 capital appreciation)
Potential Absolute Return-on-Investment: +6.9%
= +$1,090.64/$15,706.68
Potential Equivalent Annualized-Return-on-Investment: +45.3%
= (+$1,090.64/$15,706.68) * (365/56 days)
8/22/2023 Bought 200 shares of SolarEdge Technologies stock @ $162.21 per share.
8/22/2023 Sold 2 SEDG September 15th, 2023 $155.00 Call options @ $12.30 per share.
Note: the Implied Volatility of the Calls was 48.1 when this position was established.
09/15/2023 Continued this SolarEdge Covered Calls position by selling 2 SEDG Oct. 20th, 2023 Call options at the $145.00 strike price for $5.70 per share. The SolarEdge share price was $140.73 when these Calls were sold and their Implied Volatility was 45.3.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) if this position is assigned on its 10/20/2023 options expiration date is follows:
Covered Calls Net Investment: $29,983.34
= ($162.21 - $12.30) * 200 shares + $1.34 commission
Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$3,597.32
= ($12.30 + $5.70) * 200 shares - $2.68 commission
(b) Dividend Income: +$0.00
(c) Capital Appreciation (If SolarEdge stock is above the $145.00 strike price at the October 20th expiration): -$3,442.00
= ($145.00 - $162.21) * 200 shares
Potential Total Net Profit (If assigned at expiration): +$155.32
= (+$3,597.32 options income + $0.00 dividend income - $3,442.00 capital appreciation)
Potential Absolute Return-on-Investment: +0.5%
= +$155.32/$29,983.34
Potential Equivalent Annualized-Return-on-Investment: +3.2%
= (+$155.32/$29,983.34) * (365/59 days)