Ally Financial met all ten criteria in my Financial Sector Stock Screener. For Financial Sector companies, I pay particular attention to the Price-to-Tangible Book Value (P/TBV) as a valuation factor. Ally has a very attractive current P/TBV valuation of 0.84 which is below its prior 5-year average of 0.91. Also, its next fiscal year (FY2022) estimated P/E ratio is only 5.3 which also compares favorably to its prior 5-year average of 7.7 Of the 19 analysts covering ALLY, 18 have either a Buy or Outperform rating, 1 has a Hold, and none rate it as either a Underperform or Sell. Their average target price is $59.26 (+40.9% above today's purchase price). Also, Oakmark Funds have a consistently strong fundamental valuation orientation in their portfolios and I like the fact that fund manager Bill Nygren has Ally as the largest positon in their flagship Oakmark Fund. Given current stock market volatility, my new positions are in companies with attractive fundamental valuations and also do not have intervening earnings reports prior to their options expiration dates.
A potential return-on-investment result for this Ally Financial Covered Calls position is +2.6% absolute return (equivalent to +33.1% annualized
return for the next 29 days) if the stock is in-the-money and therefore assigned on the May 20th options expiration date. Early assignment is possible on the day prior to next Friday's ex-dividend date, however it is unlikely that the stock price will spike higher enough next week for that possibility to occur--so the return-on-investment results for early assignment are not included in the details below.
Ally Financial Inc. (ALLY) -- New Covered Calls Position
The transactions were:
4/22/2022 Bought 500 Ally Financial shares @ $42.07
4/22/2022 Sold 5 ALLY 5/20/2022 $40.00 Call options @ $2.81
4/29/2022 Upcoming quarterly ex-dividend of $.30 per share
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this Covered Calls position is as follows:
Stock Purchase Cost: $19,633.35
= ($42.07 - $2.81) * 500 shares + $3.35 commission
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$1,401.65
= ($2.81 * 500 shares) - $3.35 commission
(b) Dividend Income: +$150.00 = $.30 per share x 500 shares
+($40.00 -$42.07) * 500 shares
Total Net Profit (If 500 Ally Financial shares assigned at $40.00 strike price at expiration): +$516.65 = (+$1,401.65 options income +$150.00 dividend income -$1,035.00 capital appreciation)