A potential return-on-investment result for this Alcoa Covered Calls position is +3.8% absolute
return in 22 days (equivalent to a +62.8% annualized
return-on-investment) if the stock price closes above the $46.00 strike price on the November 19th options expiration date.
By rolling up the original Covered Calls, if assigned on the Nov. 19th expiration date, this result would exceed the +2.3% absolute return (+38.1% annualized) that was the maximum potential roi of the original Covered Calls position at the $42.00 strike price. In Covered Calls investing parlance, this is sometimes referred to as
"hitting a double" (instead of the usual "single"), since the roll-up
enables us to sell Calls twice against the original stock purchase with both positions
being at the same options expiration date.
Alcoa Corporation (AA) -- Covered Calls Position Rolled-Up
The transactions were as follows:
10/29/2021 Bought 500 shares of Alcoa stock @ $45.55 per share
10/29/2021 Sold 5 Alcoa Nov 19th, 2021 $42.00 Call options @ $4.50 per share
Note: this was a simultaneous Buy/Write transaction
11/08/2021 Rolled-Up the Alcoa Covered Calls position by the following debit spread transaction: Simultaneously Bought-to-Close the five Nov. 19th $42.00 Calls @ $7.35 per share and Sold-to-Open five Nov. 19th $46.00 Calls @ $3.97 per share.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) would be as follows:
Covered Calls Cost Basis: $20,528.35
= ($45.55 - $4.50) * 500 shares + $3.35 commission
Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$553.30
= ($4.50 - $7.35 + $3.97) * 500 shares - $6.70 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$0.00
(c) Capital Appreciation (If Alcoa stock is above the $46.00 strike price at Nov 19th expiration): +$225.00
= ($46.00 -$45.55) * 500 shares
Potential Total Net Profit (If assigned at expiration): +$778.30
= (+$553.30 options income +$0.00 dividend income +$225.00 capital appreciation)
Absolute Return: +3.8%
= +$778.30/$20,528.35
Equivalent Annualized Return: +62.8%
= (+$778.30/$20,528.35) * (365/22 days)