- Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. (BABA) -- +1.3% absolute return (equivalent to +42.7% annualized roi) for the 11 days of this investment
- Applied Materials Inc. (AMAT) -- +1.5% absolute return (equivalent to +45.0% annualized roi) for the 12 days of this investment
The cash now available from the assignment (i.e. closing) of the two in-the-money positions will be retained until new Covered Calls and/or 100% Cash-Secured Puts positions are established. Given the Covered Calls Advisor's currently cautious Overall Market outlook, new positions will be hedged by continuing to establish Covered Calls at moderately in-the-money strike prices with good downside protection.
The detailed transactions and results for these two closed positions are as follows:
1. Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. (BABA) -- Covered Call Closed by Assignment at Expiration
The buy/write transaction was as follows:
04/20/2021 Bought 100 shares of Alibaba stock @ $229.44 per share
04/20/2021 Sold 1 Alibaba April 30th, 2021 $225.00 Call option @ $7.30 per share
Note: The Implied Volatility of the Call option was 29.2 when this transaction was executed.
04/30/2021 Alibaba shares were in-the-money at options expiration so the option expired and the 100 shares were assigned (i.e. sold) at the $225.00 strike price.
The overall performance result (including commissions) was as follows:
Covered Call Cost Basis: $22,214.67
= ($229.44 - $7.30) * 100 shares + $.67 commission
Net Profit Components:
(a) Option Income: +$730.00
= ($7.30 * 100 shares)
(b) Dividend Income: +$0.00
(c) Capital Appreciation (BABA stock was above $225.00 strike price at April 30th, 2021 expiration): -$444.00
= ($225.00 -$229.44) * 100 shares
Total Net Profit: +$286.00
= (+$730.00 Call option income +$0.00 dividend income -$444.00 capital appreciation)
Absolute Return-on-Investment: +1.3%
= +$286.00/$22,214.67
Equivalent Annualized Return-on-Investment: +42.7%
= (+$286.00/$22,214.67)*(365/11 days)

04/19/2021 Bought 300 Applied Materials Inc. shares @ $129.45
04/19/2021 Sold 3 AMAT April 30th, 2021 $125.00 Call options @ $6.27
Note: the Open Interest in the Calls was 212 contracts.
04/30/2021 300 AMAT shares were in-the-money at options expiration so the three options expired and the 300 shares were assigned (i.e. sold) at the $125.00 strike price.
The overall performance result (including commissions) for this Applied Materials Covered Calls position was as follows:
Covered Calls Position Cost Basis: $36,896.01
= ($129.45 stock price -$6.27 options price) *300 shares +$2.01 commissions
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$1,881.00
= ($6.27 * 300 shares)
(b) Dividend Income: +$0.00
(c) Capital Appreciation (300 AMAT shares assigned at $125.00 strike price at April 30th options expiration): -$1,335.00
= ($125.00-$129.45) * 300 shares
Absolute Return: +1.5%
Please email me with any questions or comments related to anything related to Covered Calls investing.
Best Wishes and Godspeed,
Jeff Partlow