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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Recommended Reading -- #3

1. Barry Ritholtz picks Peter Lynch over Warren Buffett or John Templeton as the investor who is the "GOAT" (Greatest Of All Time):

2. Is this "The Most Important Chart of the Past Decade"?  Maybe 'yes' and maybe 'no'.  But this thought-provoking article pertains to what the current Federal Government spending boom implies for us regarding preparing our investing mindset going forward this year:

3. The discussion about Peter Lynch in article #1 above triggered my memory of an article I wrote on this Covered Calls Advisor blog over a decade ago.  The article references 4 investing-related books that I give my highest praise; so please consider obtaining and reading (or re-reading if you have already read them before):

Regards and Godspeed,

Jeff Partlow
The Covered Calls Advisor