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Friday, May 22, 2020

Three New Covered Calls Positions Established in Borg Warner, Goldman Sachs, and International Paper

Today, three new Covered Calls positions were established in Borg Warner Inc. (BWA), Goldman Sachs Group (GS), and International Paper Inc. (IP) all with June 19th, 2020 options expiration dates.  Each position has an intervening ex-dividend prior to the expiration date which is included in the return-on-investment details provided below.  All three positions were established in-the-money and these companies have no earnings reports prior to the June 19th options expiration date.  

Three hundred Borg Warner shares were purchased at $29.32 and three $27.50 Call options were sold at $2.47, a net debit of $26.85 per share.  One hundred Goldman Sachs shares were purchased at $178.10 and one $170.00 Call option was sold at $12.06, a net debit of $166.04 per share.  Two hundred International Paper shares were purchased at $32.61 and two $30.00 Call options were sold at $2.91, a net debit of $29.70 per share. 

As detailed below, the potential return-on-investment results are: 
  • Borg Warner Inc. : +3.0% absolute return in 29 days (equivalent to a +38.0% annualized return-on-investment);
  • Goldman Sachs Group : +3.1% absolute return in 29 days (equivalent to a +39.5% annualized return-on-investment); and
  • International Paper Inc. : +2.7% absolute return in 29 days (equivalent to a +34.4% annualized return-on-investment)

Borg Warner Inc. (BWA) -- New Covered Calls Position
The buy/write transaction was as follows:
05/22/2020 Bought 300 shares of Borg Warner stock @ $29.32 per share 
05/22/2020 Sold 3 June 19th, 2020 $27.50 Call options @ $2.47 per share 
Note: The Open Interest in these Calls was 350 contracts and their Implied Volatility was 42.7
05/29/2020 Ex-dividend of $.17 per share

A possible overall performance result (including commissions) would be as follows:
Covered Calls Cost Basis: $8,057.01
= ($29.32 - $2.47) * 300 shares + $2.01 commission

Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$741.00
= ($2.47 * 300 shares)
(b) Dividend Income: +$51.00
= $.17 per share x 300 shares
(c) Capital Appreciation (If BWA is above $27.50 strike price at June 19th expiration): -$546.00
= ($27.50 -$29.32) * 300 shares

Potential Total Net Profit (If Borg Warner price is above $27.50 strike price at June 19th options expiration): +$246.00
= (+$741.00 options income +$51.00 dividend income - $546.00 capital appreciation)

Absolute Return: +3.0%
= +$246.00/$8,057.01
Equivalent Annualized Return: +38.0%
= (+$246.00/$8,057.01)*(365/29 days)

2. Goldman Sachs Group (GS) -- New Covered Call Position
The buy/write transaction was as follows:
05/22/2020 Bought 100 shares of Goldman Sachs stock @ $178.10 per share 
05/22/2020 Sold 1 June 19th, 2020 $170.00 Call option @ $12.06 per share
Note: The Open Interest in these Calls was 991 contracts and the Implied Volatility was 38.4.
05/29/2020 Ex-dividend of $1.25 per share

A possible overall performance result (including commissions) would be as follows:
Covered Calls Cost Basis: $16,604.67
= ($178.10 - $12.06) * 100 shares + $.67 commission

Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$1,206.00
= ($12.06 * 100 shares)
(b) Dividend Income: +$125.00
= $1.25 per share x 100 shares 
(c) Capital Appreciation (If GS stock is above $170.00 strike price at the June 19th expiration): -$810.00
= ($170.00 - $178.10) * 100 shares

Total Net Profit: +$521.00
= (+$1,206.00 options income +$125.00 dividend income -$810.00 capital appreciation)

Absolute Return: +3.1%
= +$521.00/$16,604.67
Equivalent Annualized Return: +39.5%
= (+$521.00/$16,604.67)*(365/29 days)

3. International Paper Inc. (IP) -- New Covered Calls Position
The buy/write transaction was as follows:
05/22/2020 Bought 200 shares of International Paper stock @ $32.61 per share 
05/22/2020 Sold 2 June 19, 2020 $30.00 Covered Calls @ $2.91 per share
Note 1: the Implied Volatility of the Call options was 34.3
05/26/2020 Ex-dividend of $.5125 per share

A possible overall performance result (including commissions) would be as follows:
Covered Calls Cost Basis: $5,941.34
= ($32.61 - $2.91) * 200 shares + $1.34 commission

Net Profit Components:
(a) Options Income: +$582.00
= ($2.91 * 200 shares)
(b) Dividend Income: +$102.50
= $.5125 per share x 200 shares 
(c) Capital Appreciation (If IP stock is above $30.00 strike price at the June 19th expiration): -$522.00
= ($30.00 - $32.61) * 200 shares

Total Net Profit: +$162.50
= (+$582.00 options income +$102.50 dividend income -$522.00 capital appreciation)

Absolute Return: +2.7%
= +$162.50/$5,941.34
Equivalent Annualized Return: +34.4%
= (+$162.50/$5,941.34)*(365/29 days)