As detailed below, a potential return-on-investment result is +3.0% absolute return (equivalent to +36.9% annualized return for the next 30 days) if the stock is unchanged at the $96.83 purchase price on the January 18th options expiration date.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) -- New Covered Calls Position
Because of the recent plunge in the stock market as well as JPM stock, the Implied Volatility of 34.4 was at a very attractive level when these Call options were sold.
The transactions were:
12/20/2018 Bought 300 JPM shares @ $96.83
12/20/2018 Sold 3 JPM 1/18/2019 $100.00 Call options @ $2.08
Note: a simultaneous buy/write transaction was executed.
01/03/2019 Upcoming quarterly ex-dividend of $.80 per share
Two possible overall performance results (including commissions) for this JPM Covered Calls position are as follows:
Stock Purchase Cost: $28,429.95
= ($96.83 - $2.08) *300 shares + $4.95 commission
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$621.99
= ($2.08*300 shares) - $2.01 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$240.00
= ($.80 dividend per share x 300 shares)
(c) Capital Appreciation (If JPM unchanged at $96.83 at 1/18/2019 options expiration): +$0.00
+($96.83-$96.83)*300; OR
(c) Capital Appreciation (If JPM in-the-money and thus assigned at $100.00 strike price at expiration): +$946.05
+($100.00-$96.83)*300 - $4.95 commissions
+($96.83-$96.83)*300; OR
(c) Capital Appreciation (If JPM in-the-money and thus assigned at $100.00 strike price at expiration): +$946.05
+($100.00-$96.83)*300 - $4.95 commissions
1. Total Net Profit (If JPM unchanged at $96.83 at 1/18/2019 options expiration): +$861.99
= (+$621.99 +$240.00 +$0.00); or
2. Total Net Profit (If JPM in-the-money and thus assigned at $100.00 strike price at expiration): +$1,808.04
= (+$621.99 +$240.00 +$946.05)
1. Absolute Return (If JPM unchanged at $96.83 at 1/18/2019 options expiration): +3.0%
= +$861.99/$28,429.95
Annualized Return: +36.9%
= (+$861.99/$28,429.95)*(365/30 days); or
2. Absolute Return (If JPM in-the-money and thus assigned at $100.00 strike price at expiration): +6.4%
= +$1,808.04/$28,429.95
Annualized Return: +77.4%
= (+$1,808.04/$28,429.95)*(365/30 days)
Either outcome would provide an excellent return-on-investment result for this investment. The breakeven price of $93.95 ($96.83 -$2.08 -$.80) provides 3.0% downside protection below today's purchase price.