For Alibaba, the chart below (click on the chart to view a larger and more legible version) shows that the potential annualized return of +31.9% for the Covered Calls position is preferable to the +30.4% to establish a comparable 100% Cash-Secured Puts position.

This potential annualized return-on-investment of +31.9% exceeds the Covered Calls Advisor's desired threshold of >20%.
The implied volatility of the Call options was 40.2 when this position was established, the highest it has been for Albaba options in more than a year. This high volatility is largely attributable to the uncertainty associated with the upcoming quarterly earnings report due on August 17th as well as a rapid $10 decline in the stock price this week.
The downside 'breakeven price' at expiration is at $135.70 ($147.68 - $11.98), which is 8.1% below the current market price of $147.68.
Using the Black-Scholes Options Pricing Model in the Schwab Hypothetical Options Pricing Calculator, the probability of making a profit (if held until the September 15th, 2017 options expiration) for this position is 69.5%. This compares with a probability of profit of 50.2% for a buy-and-hold of this Alibaba stock over the same time period. Using this probability of profit of 69.5% the expected value for the annualized return-on-investment (if held until expiration) is +22.2% (+31.9% maximum potential annualized return on investment * 69.5%), an attractive risk/reward profile for this conservative investment.
Finally, the 'crossover price' at expiration is $159.66 ($147.68 + $11.98). This is the price above which it would have been more profitable to simply buy-and-hold Alibaba stock until the September 15th options expiration date rather than establishing this Covered Calls position.