1. Devon Energy Corp. (DVN) -- Continuation of Covered Calls Position
11/19/2015 Bought 200 DVN shares @ $45.325
11/19/2015 Sold 2 DVN Dec2015 $42.50 Call options @ $4.05
12/11/2015 Ex-dividend of $.24 per share
12/18/2015 2 DVN Call options expired
12/23/2015 Sold 2 DVN Dec 31, 2015 Call options @ $1.14
Note: the price of DVN was $32.20 when these Calls were sold.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this Devon covered calls position are as follows:
Stock Purchase Cost: $9,073.95
= ($45.325*200+$8.95 commission)
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$1,017.10
= ($4.05 +$1.14)*200 shares - 2*$10.45 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$48.00
= ($.24 dividend per share x 200 shares)
(c) Capital Appreciation (If stock assigned at $32.00 at Dec 31, 2015 expiration): -$4,005.45
+($32.00-$45.325)*200 - $7.95 commissions
+($32.00-$45.325)*200 - $7.95 commissions
Total Net Profit (If stock assigned at $32.00 at Dec 31, 2015 expiration): -$2,940.35
= (+$1,017.10 +$48.00 -$4,005.45)
Absolute Return (If stock assigned at $32.00 at Dec 31, 2015 expiration): -32.4%
2. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) -- Continuation of Covered Call Position

11/24/2015 Bought 100 GS shares @ $187.06
11/24/2015 Sold 1 GS Dec2015 $180.00 Call option @ $8.75
Note: the price of GS was $187.21 when the option was sold
11/30/2015 Ex-dividend of $.65 per share
12/18/2015 1 Goldman Sachs Dec2015 $180.00 Call option expired
12/23/2015 Sold 1 GS Jan2016 Call option @ $4.95
Note: the price of GS was $181.25 when this Call option was sold.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this Goldman Sachs covered call position is as follows:
Stock Purchase Cost: $18,713.95
= ($187.06*100+$7.95 commission)
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$1,350.60
= ($8.75 +$4.95)*100 shares) - 2*$9.70 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$65.00
= ($.65 dividend per share x 100 shares)
3. Polaris Industries Inc. (PII) -- Continuation of Covered Call Position
11/24/2015 Bought 100 PII shares @ $103.92
11/24/2015 Sold 1 PII Dec2015 $100.00 Call option @ $5.32
11/27/2015 Ex-dividend of $.53 per share
12/18/2015 1 Polaris Dec2015 $100.00 Call option expired
12/23/2015 Sold 1 PII Jan2016 Call option @ $1.50
Note: the price of PII was $86.20 when this Call option was sold.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this Polaris covered call position is as follows:
Stock Purchase Cost: $10,400.95
= ($103.92*100+$8.95 commission)
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$662.60
= ($5.32 +$1.50) *100 shares) - 2*$9.70 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$53.00
= ($.53 dividend per share x 100 shares)
Absolute Return (If stock assigned at $32.00 at Dec 31, 2015 expiration): -32.4%
= -$2,940.35/$9,073.95
2. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) -- Continuation of Covered Call Position

11/24/2015 Bought 100 GS shares @ $187.06
11/24/2015 Sold 1 GS Dec2015 $180.00 Call option @ $8.75
Note: the price of GS was $187.21 when the option was sold
11/30/2015 Ex-dividend of $.65 per share
12/18/2015 1 Goldman Sachs Dec2015 $180.00 Call option expired
12/23/2015 Sold 1 GS Jan2016 Call option @ $4.95
Note: the price of GS was $181.25 when this Call option was sold.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this Goldman Sachs covered call position is as follows:
Stock Purchase Cost: $18,713.95
= ($187.06*100+$7.95 commission)
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$1,350.60
= ($8.75 +$4.95)*100 shares) - 2*$9.70 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$65.00
= ($.65 dividend per share x 100 shares)
(c) Capital Appreciation (If stock assigned at $180.00 at Jan2016 expiration): -$713.95
+($180.00-$187.06)*100 - $7.95 commissions
+($180.00-$187.06)*100 - $7.95 commissions
Total Net Profit (If stock assigned at $180.00 at Jan2016 expiration): +$701.65
= (+$1,350.60 +$65.00 -$713.95)
Absolute Return (If stock assigned at $180.00 at Jan2016 expiration): +3.7%
Absolute Return (If stock assigned at $180.00 at Jan2016 expiration): +3.7%
= +$701.65/$18,714.95
3. Polaris Industries Inc. (PII) -- Continuation of Covered Call Position
11/24/2015 Bought 100 PII shares @ $103.92
11/24/2015 Sold 1 PII Dec2015 $100.00 Call option @ $5.32
11/27/2015 Ex-dividend of $.53 per share
12/18/2015 1 Polaris Dec2015 $100.00 Call option expired
12/23/2015 Sold 1 PII Jan2016 Call option @ $1.50
Note: the price of PII was $86.20 when this Call option was sold.
A possible overall performance result (including commissions) for this Polaris covered call position is as follows:
Stock Purchase Cost: $10,400.95
= ($103.92*100+$8.95 commission)
Net Profit:
(a) Options Income: +$662.60
= ($5.32 +$1.50) *100 shares) - 2*$9.70 commissions
(b) Dividend Income: +$53.00
= ($.53 dividend per share x 100 shares)
(c) Capital Appreciation (If stock assigned at $90.00 strike price at Jan2016 expiration): -$1,399.95
+($90.00-$103.92)*100 - $8.95 commissions
+($90.00-$103.92)*100 - $8.95 commissions
Total Net Profit (If stock assigned at $90.00 at Jan2016 expiration): -$684.35
= (+$662.60 +$53.00 -$1,399.95)
Absolute Return (If stock assigned at $90.00 at Jan2016 expiration): -6.6%
Absolute Return (If stock assigned at $90.00 at Jan2016 expiration): -6.6%
= -$684.35/$10,400.95