Each month during expiration week, the Covered Calls Advisor re-calculates each of the current values for the nine factors used to determine the "Overall Market Meter" rating. As shown in the chart below, the new Overall Market Meter Average rating (blue bar at the bottom of the chart) remains unchanged at "Slightly Bullish":
The current Overall Market Meter method has been utilized and has registered as "Slightly Bullish" since it was introduced on Dec. 20th, 2009. In the 5 months from 12/20/2009 to the present, the Russell 3000 benchmark has increased by 7.1%.
As shown in the right sidebar, the covered calls investing strategy corresponding to this Slightly Bullish sentiment is to "on-average sell 2% out-of-the-money covered calls for the nearest expiration month." So with the current May2010 options expiration, new positions for Jun2010 expiration will be established in accordance with this guideline.
For a more detailed explanation of each of the Covered Calls Advisor's nine indicators, please refer to this prior blog post on that topic -- link.
Your comments or questions regarding this post are welcomed. Please click on the "comments" link below or email me at the address shown in the upper-right sidebar.
Regards and Godspeed,